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Scholarship Search

Through the generosity of community members and other supporters, the colleges and foundations of the Los Angeles Community College District provide millions of dollars in scholarships and other resources annually to students across the nine LACCD colleges.

Ready to apply? To see all the scholarships with open applications, and for which you may be eligible, please click “Apply Now” to log in. Check back often as new applications open throughout the year.

Below is a preview of some of the scholarships that have been awarded previously and/or will be available this academic year. This is not a comprehensive list nor are all of these scholarships open at this time.

To search for opportunities listed in this preview, use the options below:
  • Category Search Filter - Use this filter to see example scholarships that are specific to your campus.
  • Keyword(s) Search – Search by keyword, such as field of study (art), item (laptop), or college (Valley).

Scholarships (132)